Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Red-Paper: POS/Retail Project
SUSE LINUX Retail Solution 8 (SLRS 8) Admin Guide
F. Schmidt SUSE LINUX AG, Nuernberg May 3, 2006 Revision: 1275
1 Introduction
2 Architectural Overview 9 2. 1 Administration Server . 3. 2 Installation of the Administration Server 3. 3 Installation of the Branch Server . .
5 Setting up Administration and Branch Servers 55 5. 1 Installation of the Administration Server . [. . . ] This is done with the option --scServerContainer and the attribute --cn: posAdmin. pl --user cn=admin, o=mycorp, c=de \ --password secret \ --base cn=habor, ou=berlin, o=mycorp, c=de \ --add --scServerContainer --cn server In the new container, add a new branch server with the -scBranchServer option by adding at least a common name (--cn) and, as a may attribute, define the reference hardware with the --scRefServerDn option, a pointer (Distinguished Name) to the global database: 82
7. 2 Basic Actions
Attribute --cn --ipNetworkNumber --ipNetmaskNumber --scDhcpRange
Type must must must must
--scEnumerationMask --associatedDomain
must may
Explanation This is the common name of the location. This is the network address of the subnet of the branch, for example, 192. 168. 1. 0. This is the netmask of the subnet of the branch, for example, 255. 255. 255. 0. This is the dynamic IP address range of the DHCP server of the subnet. It is a comma-separated value pair, for example, 192. 168. 1. 10, 192. 168. 1. 50. This is the fixed IP address range of the DHCP server reserved for the cash registers. This flag is used to enable or disable the dynamic IP address range of the DHCP server. Allowed values are TRUE to enable or FALSE to disable dynamic IP address ranges. This is the base name of the cash registers of a branch used to create a unique name for each cash register in combination with the scDhcpFixedRange attribute and the scEnumerationMask. For example, use the scWorkstationBasename CR, an scEnumerationMask of 000, and the above-mentioned scDhcpFixedRange to build the name of the cash registers and their corresponding IP address. The first newly registered cash register gets the name CR001 and the IP address 192. 168. 1. 51. The next cash register is named CR002 and gets the IP address 192. 168. 1. 52. This optional entry configures the DNS domain and the domain part of the host names of the cash registers to be in the stated domain. By default (if this entry is left empty), the domain consists of the LDAP structure of the scLocation entry DN. With this entry, a different domain can be chosen.
Table 7. 3: Location Attributes for PosAdmin 83
7 PosAdmin
posAdmin. pl --user cn=admin, o=mycorp, c=de \ --password secret \ --base cn=server, cn=habor, ou=berlin, o=mycorp, c=de \ --add --scBranchServer --cn bs Now add a network interface card with a static IP address from the subnet already defined. This is a scNetworkcard object with the must attributes -scDevice and --scIpHostNumber. posAdmin. pl --user cn=admin, o=mycorp, c=de \ --password secret \ --base cn=bs, cn=server, cn=habor, ou=berlin, o=mycorp, c=de \ --add --scNetworkcard --scDevice eth0 \ --ipHostNumber 192. 168. 1. 1 Attribute --scDevice --ipHostNumber --macAddress --scModul --scModulOption --ipNetmaskNumber Type must must may may may may Explanation This is the name of network device of the card, for example, eth0 or eth1. This is the name of the Linux kernel module for the network interface card. These are the module options of the Linux kernel module for the network interface card. If the ipHostNumber is not inside the defined subnet of the location, add the netmask belonging to the IP address assigned to the network interface card.
Table 7. 4: Network Interface Attributes for PosAdmin The next step is to set up services running on a branch server. You can attain this using the scService option, which has six must attributes: The examples below show how to add the services DNS, TFTP and DHCP; note that the DNS service is used as the `canonical' entry. A description of all scService attributes is shown in Table 7. 5 on page 86. [. . . ] Otherwise, add the corresponding line to /etc/hosts manually or make sure that DNS is able to resolve the hostname. Symptoms The DHCP server configuration file /etc/dhcpd. conf is not created properly. Utility command poscheckip. pl returns an error code as shown below, # poscheckip. pl # echo $?1 instead of printing the correct host name, address, netmask and domain. [. . . ]